About Me
In a world where appearance is so heavily valued, my goal is to share with you my experiences and those of my family. I challenge myself to motivate and encourage, especially those who are impacted by cranio-facial anomalies- specifically cleft lip and palate.
My approach using real-life examples, humor, and honesty are the basis of my speaking sessions.

Speaking Engagements
Linda has advocated and spoken professionally about her Cleft Journey to a number of organizations over the course of 20 years. As a cleft-affected, hearing-impaired school-based speech therapist, Linda has unique insights. She has spoken to large groups of Speech/Language Pathologists at the Texas Speech and Hearing Association Annual Convention, a medical genetics team in Ft. Worth, Texas, and graduate communication disorders classes at the St. Louis University Communication Disorders Department’s course on Cleft Lip and Palate.
In 2021 Linda joined the Cleft Community Advisory Council for Smile Train, where she remains as an active and dedicated member of the Cleft Community affiliated with Smile Train. Linda spoke at the first in person Cleft Con in July of 2022 in Chicago. She has also been featured on Smile Train’s website in an article entitled: Linda Morris: Cleft Rebel (November 7, 2023). https://www.smiletrain.org/cleftcon

Contact Me
Contact Linda Morris to inquire about speaking engagements and workshops.

LBM21262@gmail.com linkedin.com/in/linda-b-morris